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Shaping Food Environments in Transitioning Economies

Dietary habits are changing dramatically in emerging economies. In this project, we are studying the food environment in Sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Asia and developing solutions to make it healthier and more sustainable.

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FETE mid-term workshop in Ghana

The mid-term workshop of our project on "Food Environments in Transitioning Economies" (FETE) took place from 2 to 5 September 2024.

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WEF nexus winter school South Africa

The Water-Energy-Food Nexus (WEF) School Master Class has started for FETE PhD students!

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Launch of the Doctoral Training Partnership

We are happy to announce the launch of the FETE Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP), which is a collaboration between @UKZN-CTAFS, @Thünen Institute of Market Analysis, @CSIR-STEPRI, @University of Nottingham Malaysia and @Sokoine University of Agriculture. The DTP will train PhD students from the…

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The project in a nutshell

interdisciplinary ● participatory ● multicultural

FETE stands for "Shaping food environments in transitioning economies for sustainable and healthy diets".

Officially launched in 2023, the project aims to understand the key drivers of eating habits and trends in production and consumption to answer the question "How can we shape food environments to promote nutritious diets and improve health?

The project is coordinated by the Thünen Institute, Germany.

Four study countries

We study the external and personal food environments as well as the policy framework in Ghana, Malaysia, South Africa and Tansania.

Target group: urban deprived communities

Our focus is on urban deprived areas.

Reference model for the global South

Based on cross-country analyses, we develop a reference model for the Global South.


Capacity building

A core element of the FETE project is an interdisciplinary training programme for doctoral students.



Research Consortium

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